Take a look at what's out there for you!
signposthere should you go to college?
That's a good question. Maybe we can point you in the right direction.

Our database focuses on the top residential colleges and universities in the United States. With your free, confidential user account, you can create and save your own Top 20 college rankings.

You also have the option to publish your rankings on our web site. You can even build a Crew of family and friends who can comment and offer suggestions.

You can also maintain a Go-To List of up to 20 colleges. Use the built-in links to find out more about each college. Then add and delete colleges with the click of a mouse.

You Want Rankings? We've Got Rankings: 46 Trillion and Counting!

You've seen the rankings. Rankings by this category and that category, on and on and on. Even the Peace Corps ranks colleges, for crying out loud.top20

What does all this mean to you? Unfortunately, not much.  Every college has a unique profile, with different demographics and a mixture of strengths and weaknesses in academics, extracurriculars, financial aid, and housing.  Some will come a lot closer to fulfilling your personal wish list than others. 

But with so many possibilities, where do you start?  Our College Console was designed to narrow things down.  To help you find the schools that come closest to matching your personal preferences, we rate colleges in not just one category, but forty-four!

The result?  You can find out which colleges come closest to matching a combination of factors--weighted according to your personal preferences.  Are you

 ...Looking for a small liberal arts school with a great program in accounting, architecture, or engineering?
 ...Thinking about a career in the arts, yet also interested in political science, club sports, and outdoor adventure?
 ...Planning to study psychology and write for the newspaper in your spare time?
 ...Wondering which schools have great business programs and opportunities to pursue music or vocals on the side?
Our College Console will help you find the schools that match any combination of criteria--north, south, east, and west!
The result?  Your own Top 20 ranking--chosen from the 46 trillion possibilities. It's a listing you can save and update as you refine the factors that are important to you in a college.
If you save more than one ranking, you can display them side by side--color-coded to show which colleges show up multiple times.

You can keep your rankings to yourself--or publish them on our web site, where friends, family, and others in your Crew can view it and leave brief comments. You can hide or delete any comments you don't like.

How do you get a Crew? It's easy! Just list the e-mail addresses in your Account Manager.

Relevant information, instantly at your fingertips. It's a whole new concept in college search. Give it a try.
Our Custom Reports Target Your Specific Interests

Like what you see? Want to find out more? At CollegeConsole.com, you can now get the research behind the rankings! Our customized reports give you a concise, fact-filled page on each college that interests you.

And we give you more than just the basics. We've dug deeper to create a concise summary of nearly three dozen academic fields and extracurricular activities.  You pick one of each when you create your report.

Thinking about medical school? Some colleges offer special tracks and programs for pre-meds. Others hand you a list of required classes and wish you good luck. We can tell you which are which.

Want to be a journalist?  Some communications programs feature their own TV studios; some focus on print.  Others offer programs that range from rhetoric to corporate communication.  Some schools feature a little bit of everything, and some don't offer communications at all.  With our custom reports, you can instantly size up your options at the schools that interest you. 

We could go on, but you get the idea. Our custom reports give you specific information about popular programs that include art & design, business, music, psychology, political science and more--plus extracurriculars such as music, sports, performance, and publications! In all, there are nearly three dozen topics to choose from.

Click here to learn more!